Playground Equipment Specialists

CPD Teacher Training

ESP provide a suite of Nationally Accredited CPD teacher training awards perfect for increasing usability and sustainability of our products and supporting schools in securing outstanding with Ofsted.

“Inspirational, informative, high quality and would recommend to any primary school.”
Julie Bradley, Head Teacher.

Our expert training staff deliver tailored programmes to a range of delegates responsible for children’s learning, including teachers, coaches, midday supervisors, parents and carers. We also include resources highlighting unique and exclusive activities designed to increase physical activity and build upon a wide range of skills. Our Nationally Accredited Groundbreaking CPD Teacher Training Modules offer high quality support for all of our playground equipment to enhance the use of the playground for outdoor learning.

All of our CPD modules are aligned to curricular themes and concepts and involve child-centered approaches to learning. A range of delegates’ needs are catered for; with tailored programmes for adults responsible for children’s learning from a variety of backgrounds including teachers, coaches, midday supervisors, young leaders, parents and carers.

Our CPD teacher training programme is recognised by a range of national agencies that see it clearly supporting schools in embedding their ideas and designs through clear and effective practical examples. All modules are appropriate for Primary, Secondary and Special Needs Schools, targeting a range of audiences that encourages shared responsibility, best value and sustainability for schools.

A modular approach enables Schools, NGB’s and Professional Sports Clubs to tailor a training package to meet the specific needs of staff and young people. Each training session maximises the role of play, physical activity and outdoor learning across the four core curriculum subjects and community and sport agendas.

-Achievement in weekly PE lessons.

-Increased participation in competitive school sport.

-Improved health and wellbeing of every child.

-Improved attitudes towards learning.

-Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC).

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